What’s Tinder?

Launched in 2012, Tinder is a location-based app that has around 50 million users presently. Tinder has become one of the popular dating apps. It stands out of its other counterparts due to the unique and never-seen-before features like swipe right for a like and swipe left for a dislike. It also has a feature of gamification which serves to be perfect to break the ice.

57 Million

Global Users

4.1 Million

Tinder Plus Subscribers

20 Million

Found Matches

How is Match-making done?

Based on

By knowing the location of each user, the app will search and connect to the possible matches of their area.

Based on
app algorithms

Possible matches are shown in accordance with the personal data and survey information of the users.

Based on
app niche

Here, users are divided into special groups based on their preferences, interests, sexual orientation, etc.

How do dating apps monetize?

The estimated cost to develop tinder clone or tinder-like dating application

Now that you have understood a bit about how to make an app like Tinder, the next question that comes to your mind is the cost involved in creating your dream to a reality. Certain factors that determine the cost of creating dating app are features, the region you choose for development purpose Project complexity, third-party integration, launching platform that includes iOS, Android or both and skill and experience of your development team.

For estimating the cost to develop a dating app like Tinder, it requires one to understand the functionality of their application. An estimated cost for developing a Tinder clone app both on iOS and Android along with backend support will be around -----. For any matters regarding the exact estimated cost or bifurcation of the same, you can contact us directly.

Paid Subscriptions

Users can opt for monthly, quarterly or yearly subscription models based on the locked features they want to access.


Monetizing via ad campaigns can be a great way to make money. Ads should be included in such a way that it doesn’t interrupt your users.

In-app purchases

To access some of the special features of the app such as custom emojis, smileys, sending GIFs, etc requires the users to pay a fee.

Third-party services

These apps provide third-party service integration that allows booking of a table in restaurants, movie tickets, taxis, etc.

Basic Features & Cost of a
Tinder Clone or Tinder like Dating App

Registered App Users

Sign Up/ Sign In

Age Restriction

Interest Scale

Create/Edit Profile Page

Chat for connected users

Notifications for Likes/ Message

Location Settings while travelling

Profile Pic Flagging/ Report Users

Discovery Settings for your visibility

View Profile Image, bio of other users

Expression of Interest (Swipe Right/ Left)

Number of chat connections of your match

Users Display Settings based on Gender & Geofence

USD 18000-22000 (Android + iOS + Backend) approx

Admin Panel

Sign In


Admin Dashboard

Discovery Setting

Analytics Reporting

Dashboard analytics

Profile Management

Manage Privacy Policy

Custom Matching Algorithm

Manage Users/ User controls

Manage Terms and Conditions

Set up Filters for images to be used

Push Notifications and Requests Management

USD 4000-5000 approx

Additional Features for Tinder Clone Dating App

Registered App Users

Video Chat

In-app analytics

Offline availability

Social Media Sharing

App rating/ Review Alert Prompt

Boost/ Superpowers/Charms feature subscription based

Admin Panel

Font/ Theme Settings

In-app purchase Settings

Show list of Likes/ Dislikes

Chat/ Group Chat Settings

Offer/Deals on in app purchases

Integration with Social Media Platforms

Unique features for better match suggestions

Image Recognition based Dating App development

We can integrate the image recognition technology in your dating application. It can identify the images posted by each user, look for similar images and create a match.

AI/ ML based dating app development

By incorporating AI or ML, your application can recognize the user’s swipe behavior and create a match suggestion based on personal characteristics like origin, ethnicity, color, height, etc.

Panel of experts for developing a Tinder-like dating app

Online daters around the world are experiencing a whole new level of dating through these apps. If you have decided to start your own dating app, then creating one that stands out from its counterparts is really important. Worry not. As we are here to help you in all its aspects. Choosing attractive features, creating an impressive UI/UX design and giving your customers a rich yet unique experience, there are lots that needs to be done.

  • 1 UX Designer
  • 1-2 Android App Developers
  • 1-2 iOS App Developers
  • 1 Backend developer
  • 1 Quality Analyst
  • 1 Business Analyst
  • 1 Project Manager

By partnering with Beact Infotech, you stay rest assured. With our years of industry experiences and vast knowledge, our developers will build an application that will help you leverage your dating app by bringing productivity and efficiency.

Technology Stack We use to develop





Fabric iOS

Android Studio



Google Analytics

Google API

MEAN Stack

Mantis BT





swift iOS


♫ Love is all you need…♪

Gone are the days when soul mates were searched over the newspaper classifieds or through matrimonial sites or agents. Also, the concept of dating has moved from meeting your significant other in the parks, cafes or shopping malls. In the hustle-bustle of our lives, finding a match has never been this easy with these dating apps. People love this new idea of swiping and tapping to find their lovers. Now that online dating is no longer considered as a taboo, several entrepreneurs are encouraged to start a dating application of their own and become a part of this new change.

Enough of us doing the talk. It’s time to hear your ideas now

Collaborate with us and start playing cupid


How long will it take to build an mobile app like Tinder?

It may take anywhere between 10-12 weeks depending upon the specifications and requirements.

What would be the costs involved in running a dating application?

It would involve annual rent for server usage, API subscription charges and payment gateway subscription charges if any.

How do dating apps monetize?

Advertisements, gifts, cards and other in-app purchases and through paid subscriptions you can make money using your app.

Do you provide after-sales maintenance?

Yes, we provide annual maintenance contract services.

What will be the technology stack used for real-time chatting in my application?

We can use C++ socket programming or Ejabbered based XMPP Server Integration. In the case of budget constraints, you can also opt for third-party SDKs such as We Chat or Quickbox.